Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hey. So. I've been reading Amelia Gray's THREATS lately and it is so sinister and yet really kind of sweet and I entirely recommend it. Although I imagine that the people who fall onto this blog are probably the kind of people who already know about THREATS and have probably read it before me. But.

Here's something you might not know about: my mother, Martha Moody, has her fourth novel coming out in October, and I've been reading that as well (because I have privileges), and it is something devilish. Sharp and Dangerous Virtues. DYSTOPIA. WAR. THE MIDWEST. You don't want to miss out on this business. Put that on your radar and smoke it.

There has been newses on my front. Here are some links that I've neglected to give you over the past few weeks:

1. My story "Partners" was in SmokeLong last week. You should probably watch this one.

2. The new print issue of PANK is out and about, and I have a hefty story inside. As you know.

3. The latest issue of elimae is floating around, and I have a poem in it called "DUDES."

4. I wrote a thing about "why I write" for Stymie. It's because lizards.

5. Over at the Safety Pin Review site, we announce the 2012 Best of the Net nominees. Congratulations, magicians! And if you missed Brandi Wells' issue (such as if you rely entirely on this blog for SPR updates, probably a mistake) you should read it.

6. For the bulk of the kill, the third issue of Flywheel was unearthed and put online this past week, and it's my first as flash fiction editor. There's great stuff in that section from Lydia Ship, Mel Bosworth, Kristine Ong Muslim, Richard Thomas, 'n Chris Lee (like Saruman). And that's just the flash. Go read it all, you won't be sorry in the least.

7. In utterly inconsequential news, look! --> I've reorganized my linkies on the side of this blog! OOOOOOOH.

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