Today, the most boring man on earth checks his instruments.
They read normal, as always.
Third! This has been news on the Safety Pin Review site for
a few weeks, BUT, there are now SPR buttons available, and they are beautiful.
There’s a spiffy new “Support!” page on the SPR site as well, where you can
make donations ($1.00 gets you a button, or hell, you could just ask me and
I’ll send you one) and see exactly what the SPR runs on. In the spirit of
openness and the DIY ethic, I’ve posted approximately how much the SPR has cost
me (it’s pretty modest) and where the money goes. Iluminating, maybe? Probably
First! I have a short piece, “The Spirits of Imaginary Animals,” in the March 2012 edition of Bluestem
Magazine. Read it, tell me what you think. I would like to know.
Second! I actually, really, truly got invited to participate
in a reading (!) with NAP Magazine in Indianapolis this Friday, March 23. It’s
called NAP SLUMBER PARTY ONE, takes place at a book-recycling warehouse, and
includes five (!) readers: Joshua Young, Meg Forajter, Davee Craine, Sarah
Tarkany, and myself. WOW. It’s all been put together by Chad Redden, mayor of
NAP, who deserves many raves.
Beforehand, there’s a reading at Butler by Roxane Gay (!!)
and BJ Hollars to celebrate the release of Pressgang’s first book, Monsters: A Collection of Literary Sightings,
which promises to be awesome. So if you’re in Indy this weekend, you should
attend one/both of these events, meet me, hear some great words out loud. Up
close, and personal. Because I will be IN YOUR FACE. Actually not. I’m pretty

Other than my taste, there’s nothing inscrutable or
mysterious about the way the Safety Pin Review works. No secrets here. I want
to be as down-to-earth as possible, maybe debunk some of the pretension that
exists around so-called “literary magazines,” which, in many cases, are just a
guy with a blog. (I am a guy with a blog, for example.) Long live the editorial
I just got back to school from an exhausting spring break,
and I’ve decided not to sleep tonight, so it’s time to write some letters.
Catch you later.
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